Registration and Deregistration
FÜSQ are obligatory in following master’s study programs:
- Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Master of Science, PO 2009
- Information Technology (INFOTECH), Master of Science, PO 2009
- Infrastructure Planning, Master of Science, PO 2008
- Process Engineering, Master of Science, PO 2008
- WAREM, Master of Science, PO 2008
- WASTE, Master of Science, PO 2008
After the allocation process has ended, you can see your courses in an overview in C@MPUS, which also includes the FÜSQ-courses you registered for successfully.
We only offer FÜSQ-courses to students in bachelor and master’s study programs with exam regulations adopted since 2008. In addition to that, students in the following study programs can register for FÜSQ-courses as well:
- Linguistics, B.A. combination, PO 2007
- Romance studies (French), B.A. combination, PO 2007
- Romance studies (Italian), B.A. combination, PO 2007
- Physics, Bachelor of Science, PO 2007
Students in old bachelor and master study programs still need to attend “interdisciplinary career-oriented competencies,” whereas students in bachelor and master studies programs (with exam regulations since 2008) need to attend “interdisciplinary key-competencies”. If you need “interdisciplinary career-oriented competencies” you can still attend FÜSQ, but only after the 2nd allocation phase has ended, and if there are still places left in a course you want to attend. In that case, please contact us by e-mail: . Should there be places left, you have to fill in a form, which you can obtain from the examination office. The teacher has to sign the filled-in form and the examination committee has to recognize it.
You do NOT need to register for an examination in a FÜSQ-course! If you successfully attended the course, you will get 3 credits, which will appear in C@MPUS.
Fields of competency are displayed according to your exam regulation. In particular, field of competency 6 is often not visible for students in scientific study programs. It will also not be displayed during registration.
If you registered for a FÜSQ-course, you can deregister in the same way. You can cancel your registration at any time during the registration phase. After the 2nd allocation phase, there is a four week cancellation period where you can leave the courses that have been allocated to you.
Allocation and Recognition
After the allocation process has ended, you can see your courses in an overview in C@MPUS, which also includes the FÜSQ-courses you registered for successfully.
The allocation process works by following criteria:
- You have not earned credits for FÜSQ: Students who have not earned the obligatory credits are favored.
- Completed semesters: Students with a higher amount of completed semesters are favored.
- Student prioritization: Students who have given a course a higher priority are favored.
- Lottery: a random four digit number
Every FÜSQ-course concludes with an ungraded academic achievement (USL). You can repeat an USL as many times as you like, and therefore, you are still entitled to an examination even if you did not pass. There are no further consequence to your studies. In order to finish your studies you have to produce the required credits for FÜSQ in a certain period as stated in your exam regulations.
FÜSQ-courses are always ungraded.
Please note that you have to attend every session of a compact seminar.
Difficulties with registration
You do NOT need to register for an examination in a FÜSQ-course! If you successfully attended the course, you will get 3 credits, which will be visible in C@MPUS.
Are you a student in a bachelor’s program with major and minor? There is a chance that your minor is activated in C@MPUS. In that case, the registration button is missing on the page where you prioritize your courses. As a result, you are not able to record your registration. Therefore, you have to ensure that your major is activated in C@MPUS. After that, you should be able to register for your FÜSQ-courses.
If you already have attended two FÜSQ-courses and got the required credits for your study program, it is possible that you cannot open the module tree.
Our system has not recorded your re-registration yet. Afterwards you can register for FÜSQ-courses. Please be patient.
Only modules for which we offer a FÜSQ-course in this semester show a registration button.
Only the exam regulations from your major are relevant for the registration in FÜSQ-courses.