Teaching and Learning

Our team works together with teachers of the University of Stuttgart to develop future-ready methods for teaching and learning. We offer courses on teaching and learning, educational development on lecture or study program level as well as coaching for teaching staff.

About us

Neben unseren Lehrveranstaltungen und dem Baden-Württembergischen Zertifikat für Studium und Lehre auf Hochschulniveau freuen wir uns, Ihnen mit Hilfe des Projekts "Digit@L" weitere Unterstützung anbieten zu können. Weitere Informationen zu unseren Projekten rund um Digitalisierung finden Sie weiter unten. Wenn Sie konkrete Fragen zu Ihren Lernarrangements haben, stehen wir Ihnen gerne mit Coaching und Beratung zur Seite.

Our range of support on teaching and learning

HDZ program 2024

The Baden-Württemberg Centre for Teaching and Learning (HDZ) offers many courses on a wide variety of teaching and learning topics. The HDZ especially covers topics such as teaching, counselling, evaluation and examination, as these are highly relevant for the everyday work of university teachers. If you are a member of one of our partner institutions, you may attend the HDZ-courses at any location in Baden-Württemberg even without taking part in the Baden-Württemberg Certificate for Teaching and Learning at University Level.

You can find the current program and the registration here.

A selection of courses, which are organized by the Higher Didactics Team of the University of Stuttgart, can be found here.

If you teach at one of the nine state universities of Baden-Württemberg or at the universities of education, you can take part in the HDZ program. By doing so, you may obtain the Baden-Württemberg Certificate for Teaching and Learning at University Level. The program is split into modules and offers a combination of courses, peer consultations and classroom observation. You may put an emphasis on E-Learning in your studies and are allowed to only visit some of the modules or courses, if you do not wish to obtain the certificate. For further information on our program and the conditions of participation, please refer to the website of the HDZ Baden-Württemberg. Please only register on the mentioned website. You can find information on the Certificate for Teaching and Learning in ILIAS as well.

Contact: Simone Loewe


Teaching is an important and challenging part of a university teachers’ daily work. Our goal is to support professors with their curricula design and learning arrangements on an individual basis. The subject of a coaching can range from general teaching-related topics, educational goals, your role as a teacher, your position in your institute or faculty to questions about methods of teaching. We also invite you to an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas with your colleagues. An expert in teaching and learning always moderates the sessions.

Consultation is free of charge for all professors. Please contact Dr. Thorsten Braun. Every consultation is confidential. We are looking forward to talking with you about teaching at university level.

In peer counselling university teachers discuss specific situations and experiences of their teaching practice. You can either bring in your own cases or share your experience with other teachers in need of counselling. One session lasts up to 3 hours and you can participate online.

You can also find more information here: ILIAS digital peer counsellingOnce you have registered in ILIAS you will receive further details on how to join our sessions.


Education for Sustainable Development Goals (ESD) is heavily influencing our work in teaching and learning development, which views universities as a place of designing a future-oriented, global and responsible society. The main issue with orienting ourselves towards global learning objectives is how to translate them in everyday teaching and learning activities. To achieve this goal, we work together with teachers in various contexts on current issues of teaching. Practical challenges in the classroom situation play an important role. They are framed by questions about how to achieve higher-order competencies towards a positive, engaged and sustainable development of our future. We offer consultation on suitable teaching and learning arrangements, exam design, and conditions of a successful learning experience in the light of current and quickly changing conditions and challenges of a sustainable future.

 Contact: Dr. Thorsten Braun

Numerous students make an important contribution to teaching and learning processes as a peer tutor every semester and create excellent learning opportunities for their fellow students.

The Center for Higher Education and Lifelong Learning supports the qualification of peer tutors with a cooperation between the departments teaching and learning and interdisciplinary key-competencies. Offering tutoring qualifications as key-competency courses gives students an incentive to participate in our courses. Furthermore, we assist institutes and chairs in developing and offering their own peer tutor qualifications.

Contact: Dr. Thorsten Braun

Das Projekt digit@L wird von der Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre gefördert. Ziel des Projekts ist es, digitales Lehren und Lernen an der Universität Stuttgart zu ermöglichen.

Link zur Projektförderung: https://stiftung-hochschullehre.de/projekt/digit@L/

Projektwebsite der Universität Stuttgart: https://www.project.uni-stuttgart.de/digital/

Digit@L SUPPORT: Infrastruktur und Services

Bedarfsgerechte Infrastrukturen und Angebote tragen zum Gelingen guter Lehre bei. Die Kategorie SUPPORT startet mit einer Reflexion über digitale Lehr- und Lernangebote und verbindet fachliche mit didaktischer Expertise. Darüber hinaus stärkt es die Zusammenarbeit zwischen der IT-Abteilung und der Abteilung für Studium und Lehre sowie mit den Studierenden (studentische Freiwillige als technische Unterstützung, sogenannte eScouts).

Ansprechpartnerin: Simone Loewe 


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